Monday, August 3, 2015

Unlocking Spiritual Transformation- Part 1

Scriptures: 2 Samuel 11:1-15, Psalm 14: 1-3

The last couple of weeks God has had a sense of humor with me, because I feel that he has challenged me to speak about difficult subjects within His churches. And with churches that don’t yet know me. I have been blessed the last few weeks with the opportunity to come into new churches on first impressions, all smiles, and then have to get up to the front and be like “thanks for having me, its been great to meet you, praise God, (NOW LETS TALK ABOUT THE GREATEST SIN YOU COMMITT THAT IS IN THE BIBLE) Little tough God… I will say that sometimes as we follow the lectionary we get some tough subjects. 
Today, as you may have noticed from our scriptures, is rated R. But God is good, and I just can’t praise him enough for using me. I am just a normal person- no different than anyone else here, really. Yet he keeps surprising me by letting me speak at churches- even though he knows how crazy I am.
But I sure am a lot less crazy today than I once was.  And that has a lot to do with what we are talking about today.  Today is special because we are talking about something that has the potential to change our entire lives. We are talking about something that if we embrace it, it will change our entire relationship with God and with other people. If you have been on a plateau with God, this thing will take you to the next level. Mastering this one thing can CHANGE EVERYTHING! 
Lets get into it by getting into the word of God this morning. Today we are focusing on the Good King David and the not-so-good things that David got himself into. Has any of you ever gotten into something they shouldn’t have and then had to suffer the consequences?                
Now in this part of the story our king David, a man that was once a lowly shepherd, with nothing, has been raised up.  God brought David from a place where he had nothing into being a KING. Into a place where he had ALL of the worldy things he could possibly want, plus some. Yet what happened? Well the same thing that happens to today’s celebrities, really. David wanted even more. David wanted what he couldn’t have. David got a little proud. Showed a little apathy towards God. David thought- I am KING! And when the king wants, the king gets! In the heat of the moment, David forgot who the real king was.
So David is looking out over the kingdom, oh so proud of the kingdom he has built. And he sees an attractive young woman. And so maybe the first time he looked out, or maybe over many times of checking her out he says to  one of his advisors-
Who is THAT?  And hes told- She is Bathsheeba. She is the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah of Hittite. Why is this important? Perhaps it is important because Uriah is known to be a dedicated and honorable soldier. What this should have told David is- don’t go there. These are honorable people that serve you faithfully. But David is caught up in the temptation. So he proceeds anyway. He takes the next steps. He has her brought in, has affairs with her, then a few weeks later, she gets pregnant.
Does he turn from the sin, does he fess up? No! He calls for Uriah to come home, then repeatedly tries to get him to go home with his wife so that he can cover it up by passing off the kid to be Uriahs. And I have heard people say that the bible is boring?!
Well unfortunately for David, Uriah, is so honorable as a soldier that he wont do it. Anyone know a soldier? I come from a military family so I sure do. And one thing I know is this- guys and gals CANNOT WAIT to get on home for some leave. What is better? But Uriah is soooo committed, he wont even go home. He literally says “Look, I can’t do that. My brothers are out there fighting. I owe it to them. I don’t deserve it when I know that they are out there fighting and dying. So he sleeps outside and wont even go home.
It only gets worse. Now King David is in a conundrum. Does he make a good choice here?? No- he digs himself even deeper, escalates his sin even more by sending Uriah back into battle with a sealed letter to his nephew and general Joab that says to get Uriah killed in battle. So as they rush into battle Uriah is on the front lines, then suddenly Joab pulls back the forces. And Uriah, a innocent and honorable man, is killed. And several other good men who are completely innocent, are killed as well.

Well that really spun out of control, didn’t it? Did you follow it? This thing started with just looking at a woman through a window- and people are DEAD. Then the child born out of this tragedy DIES. How does this happen?
The truth lies in understanding how Sin works. The biggest sins NEVER start out that way. It starts out small. It starts out usually in a specific area of our lives that we struggle with. It sneaks in. We fall into a little area of it and before we know it gets OUT OF CONTROL. Its  becomes something we don’t intend it to. Its like the alcoholic that says that is just going to have “one beer”. It doesn’t work that way! You cant toe around in sin and expect your life not to be affected by it. When we do that we are limiting what our lives can be, what our lives can become. Sexual sins are some of the worst, but it could be anything. Jealousy, anger, pride, alcoholism, you name it.

In working in social work for ten years now, I can tell you definitively that I have watched people crash and burn from making the same mistakes THOUSANDS of times. Over and over people can make the same mistakes without even realizing it, or even worse, do realize it- yet keep doing it. We come to church for a reason. We no longer need to do this. We no longer are people who need to suffer from choices gone bad. We don’t need to get caught in the cycles.

EVERYONE has or has had that ONE THING that has been holding them back from experiencing that incredible life and faith. That one thing that kept them from a relationship with God like no other. What is yours? I bet you already know. What causes you to sin? What traps you? What is holding you back in your life and relationships? If you have already overcome it- PRAISE GOD. Be a light to that victory and help another through it. 

Even my son is a testament to this truth. Now I want to preface this story with saying that I have amazing, wonderful children. I have really been blessed with my kids. And I am so proud of each one of them. But they are human and make mistakes, and I try to somewhat gently guide and correct them when this happens. Recently, Ethan, my 8 year old, was entrusted to take twenty dollars to add to his lunch account at school. Some days later, he comes home with a bunch of stuff from the school store. I said “Ethan, where did you get the stuff?” “The school store” he says. And without skipping a beat he adds- mom gave me some money for the school store. Fair enough, I thought, and I go about my business. A couple days later mom asks about the money I gave Ethan to go to the school store. Wait a minute!. Well as it turns out, our sweet little innocent child, got a little tempted while passing the school store. And then lied, and then lied some more, and tried to cover it up. While making a mistake mis-spending the money that he was entrusted to bring for lunch was bad enough, some cover up lying compounded his problem. And what wouldn’t have been a big deal had he come clean about it- turned into a much bigger deal. Needless to say Ethan worked a very productive couple of days at a lemonade stand, just to turn over his profits as restitution. And in the meantime heard lectures from dad on honesty and integrity. An important lesson learned.
It starts early, doesn’t it? But it doesn’t have to be this way. For that one thing that you struggle with, God teaches us through the bible three simple steps in overcoming our problem and having victory with our sins. I didn’t personally make them up- so you know that they are much more reliable. They really work.
11.)  First, Go to God in earnest prayer to help you stay away from the people, places, and situations that may tempt you. Of course this is to help you to break the cycle. The other piece to it is true repentance. I have found that in my own struggles, when I have approached God seriously with this from the bottom of my heart he has provided a way out that I then chose to take or not. But he provides it.
22.)  Memorize and meditate on portions of scripture that combat your weakness. I can’t stress that enough. Nothing else could possibly train you as well as this as when you identify your problem coming on. Its like a pessimist becoming an optimist. If they have really been practicing optimism, it is much easier to see the pessimism when it comes out.
33.)  Find another strong believer that you can share your struggles with. Those individuals who I mentioned earlier who have overcome their greatest struggles- its time for those people to shine. Seek out someone who has won your battle. Would you rather disarm a bomb with a hairdresser or a skilled demolition squad leader? 
    These simple steps can help us to begin to live life differently- in a way that will build up our relationship with God, as well as improve life in general. If we choose to follow them, who knows what God could have in store for us. We didn’t get into the outcome of today’s story with David, but after some solid discipline and David’s heartfelt repentance, God used David in amazing ways. After all, David was the ancestor of Jesus. And there is no greater honor than that. 

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