Daily Thoughts and Encouragement for December 23, 2014.
Why Won't They Listen?
The Art of Evangelism
Daily Thought: My words must match my example
Daily Reading: Romans 2:21-23
I used to live near a busy intersection that was what I'll call a "hotspot of judgment". From my apartment window I routinely listened to the spewing hate of Christians to the community. I will never forget a particular gentleman who used to shout that everyone is damned and going to hell. Oh yeah and especially the gays. And everyone who has had an abortion. I think you get the picture of what I am talking about here. The Westboro kind of folks. Do these people read the same book I do?
There are very few Christians that are this extreme. But there are many Christians that can come on strong to the unbeliever. Good hearted Christians believing that they are doing the right thing can easily overstep boundaries- doing the very opposite of what they intend. As an unbeliever- I can tell you that countless times I've left a conversation thinking a Christian was a whack job instead of being inspired to come to Christ.
Romans chapter two nails it. The heart of the problem is often in hypocrisy. If we are quoting scriptures one minute then being a jerk the next- we can bet that we are doing more harm for the kingdom than good. The good news is- we don't have to be perfect. We are a work in progress, and this is how we should present ourselves. Follow Gods call to reach out! Just be loving and considerate when you are doing it. :)
Evangelism is a delicate art. Here are some straight forward tips to help keep us on the right track:
1. Understanding that we are no better: Kill the façade. Your better off seeming that you are alike with the person that you are if your trying to pull out the "I was like you but now I'm better" card. We all fall short. Simple as that. Being real with a person is the first step to knocking down barriers. The best case scenario is to walk away feeling like you connected rather than feeling like you got your message across.
2. Speak from your own experiences: I have done a lot- and I mean a lot- of bible studies, reflections, learning, etc. But I NEVER claim to have all the answers. Instead, I share what has worked for me so that others may try it. Besides- it's hard for someone to argue your own experiences with you.
3. Keep it simple: Take it from the former unbeliever- if your throwing tons of religious jargon and terminology at them, you might as well stop talking altogether. The second part of this is doing to much at once. Tell a story, share an experience. Plant a seed. Then let it set in and offer an invitation.
4. Make a connection. If you are really looking to change hearts for Christ- make a connection. Help out. Be there when no one else will be. Build the person up. Walk with them and be a catalyst for change. Many would say that it is the most effective and powerful way to change hearts.
As always- strive to learn and grow in your walk. There are lots of great resources available on this topic out there. Spread the love, and be a blessing. God Bless!
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