Monday, March 21, 2016

The Mark 12:30 Pledge

Recently I saw a post on Facebook in which a dad has his son do his own pledge before he goes to school. I came up with my own version, I'm Calling it the Mark 12:30 Pledge. I take credit for this, but any person or institution can use this, change it, take it, etc.

I decided to share it thinking that it could have some use in a Christian school, in a family, or etc.


TODAY IS going to be a GREAT DAY! 
I thank God for giving me this day;
For the opportunity to learn, grow and 
become the Christian leader he intends for me to be. 

God gave me a good heart:
I pledge to use it to love Him as well as others to the best of my ability. 
God gave me a resilient soul:
I pledge to use it to follow Him, 
and to see each challenge as an opportunity instead of an obstacle. 
God gave me a capable mind:
I pledge to use it to learn HIS ways and work hard as a student and as a leader. 
God gave me strength:
I pledge to use my strength to lift up the fallen, and glorify God in all that I do. 

With these tools; and with the help of God, 
Nothing is impossible.
So I will walk in faith through the open doors, and 
NOT be discouraged when some doors close. 
Instead, I will push on. I will persevere. 
I will stand with integrity on the promises of God. 

This is my pledge. 

Copyright- Alan McCormick 3/21/2016.

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