Daily Thoughts and Encouragement for January 6, 2015
Does God hear and answer prayers?
Daily Reading: Luke 7:21
Daily Thought: God answers every prayer
It's easy to ask this question, especially for the new Christians, when the going gets tough. Wait- I'm putting it lightly. It can be easy to ask this question after a job loss, or after your relationship falls apart, or when the lights are shut off, while your sitting in a jail cell or in recovery, or when someone close to you DIES. I will admit that I have not only felt this way- but questioned my ENTIRE BELIEF in God during some of my difficult and early trials as a Christian.
First, know that you are not alone. Nearly every Christian has battled this question at some point in their faith. And the ones that haven't probably either will at some point or are delusional (but that's another topic). Second, I want to assure you that he has heard you.
Not enough? - Stay with me.
Let me start by saying that God clearly cares about us. Demonstrated in our reading from Luke 7:21, Jesus spent a ton of time- you could say most of it- curing and healing individuals from ailments of every kind, including death. As amazing as it is in itself, it sends a message. God DOES care. In fact, throughout the ENTIRE BIBLE are references and examples of God saving, helping or somehow delivering people in everything from famine to war. God loves us enough that he took away the finality of death. I say that's a pretty good God.
Next is coming to terms with the answer God is giving you to your prayer. We, as a society, have turned prayer into some kind of old school episode of I dream of Jeannie.
Remember this phrase: God answers every prayer with a YES, a NO, or a NOT YET. Repeat it a thousand times if you have to. Truly understanding this phrase may have literally saved my life- and it can save yours. As simple as that phrase is, there is much depth and truth to it.
You can begin to understand this phrase if you start a prayer journal- which is (you guessed it) a journal of the prayers that you have offered to God. Do it regularly and for a long time. Then sit down and read your prayers of the past. God's purpose for you during your toughest times can suddenly become clear and evident. This practice holds tremendous value. Not only can you experience healing and gain understanding of God's plan for your life, but you will start to see him in a very clear and real way- trusting and leaning on God in a way that you have never experienced before. After all, hindsight is 20/20. Remember, God has already dealt with it on your behalf (there are no surprises for God).
Believe that you can and will make it through your situation, one way or another. Luckily- we serve a God that cares for and loves us. God conquered even the grave for us so that we may live in Him. Keep praying, and strive to learn and develop in your faith so that when testing comes- you will choose to cling tighter to God instead of letting go. This is an important step to experiencing the love and healing power of God that few have. God Bless.
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