Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Daily Thoughts and Encouragement for January 7, 2015
Daily Thought: Does my private life reflect Christ?
Daily Readings: Matthew 6:1-3, 5-7, 16-17
Have you ever met the all-to forward "super Christian"? The one this spits talk of Gods love; telling you about your need of saving? The one who has all the scriptures memorized and pulls them out of a hat for every occasion? We are talking about the ones that just can't wait to tell you about the child they sponsor from Haiti but have never invited you over for dinner. We all have. Then some time later you learn the couple is up for divorce after a long-standing affair, or that they lost everything to a gambling addiction, or someone got arrested for drinking and driving or domestic violence. The amount of detriment this causes the faith is unparalleled. Think about it- we are still apologizing for the crusades!
Today I would like to encourage reflection. As "good of a person" as we think we are- do we reflect the love of Christ in the deepest and most personal aspects of our lives? Do we live humbly, pray in private and give anonymously? Where can we enact new spiritual disciplines that will help us to focus where it matters most?
You will find in todays readings that Jesus spoke about this specifically. If we want to bring people to God we must fully represent what he does. And this starts in the hidden corners and closets of our lives.
Prayer: Lord God, thank you for the infinite teachings found in your word. Help me today to start to life my faith from the inside out, so that my life will shine as an example of your endless love and grace. Amen.
P.S.- It makes no sense to wear this much jewelry while working out (gym in background)

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