Thursday, January 8, 2015

Be A Baby

Daily Thoughts and Encouragement for January 9, 2015
BACKSLIDING- Lessons from Infants
Daily Thought: Its up to me to keep moving forward
Daily Reading: 1 Peter 1:13-20, 2:1-2
So you did it. You became a Christian. Maybe you got connected, found a church home, really gave yourself over to God. But, in time,  you missed a day of church here or there, that then became missing half the time, and now you struggle to make it on the holidays.  Chances are that you have really good excuses too, like that person who really ticked you off or your simply "too busy" to make it. I've been there, I backslid. Even went back to fully living by societies standards. Luckily, my life as I knew it fell apart, and I endured great pain. I can say luckily because it caused me to rediscover my faith and Christian life and fully commit to it this time.
In fact, backsliding is easy. Christianity has become counter-culture. Its often not a popular thing to go to church and its difficult to live this life in a world that views Christian morals as archaic or old fashioned. God never promised us an easy ride as Christians. Still, we have to hold God close to our hearts and press on. God calls it to live holy lives as Christians (verse 16). But how can we hold on to it?
I wrote a blog entitled "GROW" on this subject as well. In our reading from today, Peter tells us to be "like newborn babies craving spiritual milk so that we can grow into a full experience of salvation". Let us reflect a moment on this great analogy. How often to babies drink? Having a baby home myself, I can say that it seems like all the time. It is constant. So this is how we should approach our faith. With a ceaseless thirst for learning, growing and experiencing God. If we remain stagnant- we will undoubtedly fail to grow. And if we do not grow- we will not thrive.
 If you want more of your faith than just to survive it- If you want to thrive in it, then its up to you to consistently and earnestly seek God and dive into the incredible adventure that is being a Christian. Think "girls night" or "guys night out" was awesome? I dare you to really dive into this life and to compare those feelings to the ones you'll feel in wide-open worship. The feelings that you will have when you work for two weeks to restore water to a village in Haiti and watch the children take the first drink. The feelings you will have when you help a homeless person into a home, or provide food to the hungry. Or when you walk hand-in-hand with your soul mate to the alter for your fiftieth wedding anniversary. God is calling you to a journey of a lifetime. Will you accept his invitation?
An idea for the "Converted Christian"
Luckily, when I first accepted God and surrendered my pride and will, there were some keepsakes that I had saved that reminded me of it. Notes, a card from my pastor, and little objects that bring me back to the time and place. I had done this from advice I received from another believer and I am glad that I did. To this day, when I am feeling down or persecuted, I open the binder I made and reflect on my life and how it felt those first moments as a Christian. It always lifts my spirits and keeps me focused.


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