Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Loving All Your Parts

Daily Thoughts and Encouragement for Wednesday, January 21, 2015.
Make Sure to Love All of Your Parts
Daily Thought: To appreciate is to encourage
Daily Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-22
The Pastor finishes his sermon, making his way to the back to stand in reception as the people exit. Handshakes are given- thanks for the great sermon provided this week.
I have always personally enjoyed this moment in preaching. Its not about being boastful, although it can be for some, but for me has always affirmed (or not) an outcome. It answers the questions in my head if whether or not I have been effective in my ministry. If people's lives were somehow changed or altered in the slightest bit by my work for God.
Sadly, Not everyone reaps the same benefits.
I found myself reflecting in today's verses, which point out that every person serves as a "part" on the body of God. I found myself appreciating the people that don't get the same kind of affirmation as often as they should.
Churches have many parts. From the Pastor, to the ushers, to people doing the bookkeeping and mowing the lawn, there are a lot of parts! Todays message from Paul to the church in Corinth is a good one. Love all of your "parts". No part can operate without the others, and all parts are equal and important in the eyes of God. 
Take a special moment today to pray for and thank all the people who make contributions to the body of Christ. In particular, try to thank someone who receives very little recognition. These are the behind-the-scenes individuals that keep the clocks ticking and the lights turned on. It's in blessing these individuals that we bless the church. 
God Bless

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